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2021 AGM
College of Lactation Consultants WA Inc
Annual General Meeting 18th October 2021

Held at Ngala Meeting Room, Kensington
Meeting opened at 1900hrs
Apologies: Elaine Pritchard, KirstenTannenbaum, Julie Williams.

Acceptance of AGM 2020 minutes by Leanne, Seconded by Elaine

Education report: Louisa has experienced great difficulty in obtaining CERPS for the education sessions and the conference. However, IBCLC has finally responded today and CERPS will be available on the website. Speakers have
been arranged for 2022 by Louisa and Sharon.

Presidents report: The employment of Fleur as a virtual administrator has been very helpful in this challenging year. The update of the website has been beneficial for the committee and members. Leanne and Louisa have discussed
asking Fleur to do a spreadsheet or aGoogle drive document so that tasks can be allocated in the lead up to the conference and meetings to reduce workload for all.
Treasurers report please contact the treasurer
Library report; Vicky will obtain a list of the books from the website.
Julie has stood down as Website and membership Secretary after many years of involvement in CLCWA. Julie will be sorely missed and all in the committee wish her all the best in the future.
The remainder of the committee will continue for the next year, and we welcome Jodi Peake and Rosemary Dale as new members of the committee. Sharon will continue to assist Louisa with education.
Office Bearers
President: Louisa Connolly
Vice President:Lisa Holwerda
Treasurer and Membership: Leanne Howell
Secretary: Catherine Allgrove
Committee: Sharon Perella
Vicky Ward
Elaine Pritchard
Jodie Peake
Rosemary Dale
Meeting closed at 1937hrs.

College of Lactation Consultants of WA
Annual General Meeting

20th November 2023
Meeting opened at 1845 by President
Venue: Swan Room, Bassendean Hotel
Louisa Connolly (President)
Elaine Pritchard (Vice President)
Leanne Howell (Treasurer, Membership)
Sharon Perrella (Education Officer)
Monique Christidis (Committee Member)
Kirsten Tannenbaun
Tanya van Aswegen
Ashleigh Bertrand
Katie Carter
Jess Marcaras
Bev Tansley
Colleen Limpitlaw
Karen Martin
Cath Allgrove (Secretary)
Previous years minutes were unavailable so unable to approved and no business arriving

Presidents Report
Louisa outlined the purpose of the College was to provide education for Lactation Consultants, to network and have some fun. This was achieved in the last year by monthly meetings in different formats, face to face, zoom and hybrid. We also hosted a successful a successful conference on the 11th November. Despite our best efforts to have all speakers face to face we had to resort to zoom for Professors Lars Bode

Louisa also acknowledged the efforts of each individual committee members, Elaine, Leanne, Cath, Monique and Sharon

Thanks to Fleur, our admin person whom we pay for services. We couldn’t run the college without her. She does an amazing job!

Treasurer Report
Leanne presented the Financial report and Membership report (email for a copy)

Education report
Sharon reported on the success of Speakers this year and along with Louisa is working on next years program. Any suggestions would be appreciated

New business
All committee positions declared open.
Attendees interested in the role of each position. Each person explained their role
Louisa & Sharon wished to remain on the committee.
Leanne said she would remain treasurer if someone would take over membership. Cath had indicated on an email that she was happy to stay on the committee.
Several attendees indicated that they would be interested in joining the committee: Bev Tansley, Tanya van Aswegen, Ashleigh Marcaras and Karen Martin.
It was decided that roles did not need to be allocated at the current time.
Committee to meet at a later date to decide roles
There was some discussion about format of meetings for the next year, particularly somewhere south
of the river
Meeting closed 1920