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2022 Monthly Meetings Calendar

The CLCWA meetings have been found to be valuable to IBCLCs who need CERPs for their ongoing professional development, those working towards becoming IBCLCs and to any health professional or voluntary breastfeeding counsellor who work with breastfeeding mothers.  The monthly education meetings are free to members and only $15 for non members. 

The meetings are planned for 2022 and the programme is being finalised.

6.30pm – 7.15pm:  Business Meeting

7.30pm – 8.30pm:  Education Meeting

Attendance certificates for CERPs will be issued via email after meetings. *Please note that due to new IBLCE guidelines, some presentations will be ineligible for CERPS.
Unforeseen circumstances may cause the program to change without notice.

DateSession TitleSpeakerCERPS
21st March, 2022The effects of the human milk microbiome, oligosaccharides, and short chain fatty acids on infant growth. Although infant growth is usually measured by body mass and length, it’s clearly more than that. Clinically, infant growth is a parameter of an infant’s overall development and nutrition. Infants who experience rapid or impaired growth are more likely to develop obesity in later life. The lower weight gain of breastfed infants compared to formula-fed infants is associated with a lower risk of childhood overweight and obesity. It is hypothesised that both milk components and breastfeeding behaviour are possible mechanisms influencing infant metabolism, which may lead to permanent changes. However, studies on the influence of milk components on infant growth are scarce. Multiple studies have identified an association between infant gut microbiome and growth. It can influence infant growth by modulating the metabolisms in skeletal muscle, liver, brain, and bone morphology. If the infant gut microbiome holds the key to metabolic development, then it is likely that human milk microbiota participates in this regulation, as milk bacteria directly seed the gut microbiota. Initially perceived from the womb, the gut microbiome develops from a low-biomass and high-dynamic stage to a relatively stable stage in the first 3 years of life. During this time, breastfeeding is the primary factor influence the infant gut microbiome, especially before food induction. In addition to the milk microbiota, the oligosaccharides and short chain fatty acids in human milk also influence the infant gut microbiome, with the former providing food for a certain group of bacteria and the latter participating in crosstalk between bacteria. These four components interact with each other, providing a new perspective on infant growth.  In a time when obesity and obesity-related diseases are becoming increasingly prevalent, it is particularly important to understand what is in milk and how it affects infant growth, as breastfeeding is a unique window of opportunity to modify both short- and long-term health.Jie Ma, PhD student, UWA 
11th April, 2022
(in lieu of Easter Monday)
Vaccines: how do they work and what do we know about the benefits of vaccinating breastfeeding mothers? An overview of the history of vaccines: how they were found before any existing knowledge in immunology. I will then shed light on the basics of immunology, which allow us today to manufacture vaccines that are efficient and safe. Finally, you will hear about what is known about transfer of immunity through breastmilk and how vaccinating breastfeeding mothers may be a great way to protect their child.Prof Valerie Verhasselt, MD PhD1L
16th May, 2022Influencing expectations of breastfeeding and infant sleep. Research has found that when there is a ‘good fit’ between what parents expect life with a newborn to look like and what they actually experience, parents and their babies have better outcomes. (Ball, 2021). Unfortunately, W.E.I.R.D societies have perpetuated unrealistic cultural expectations of early parenthood that contradict infant biological norms, leaving parents wondering what they are doing wrong. This talk explores how evidence-based prenatal parenting education and postnatal support can help expectant couples develop realistic expectations and navigate their way to a ‘good fit’.Pip Wynn Owen Birth Savvy 
20th June, 2022Determining the role of Staphylococcus aureus across the mastitis spectrum. Mastitis is an inflammatory breast condition, that has been associated with an imbalance of the bacterial communities in human milk. Mastitis affects approximately 20% of Australian lactating women, however, despite how common this condition is, it still very poorly understood. Staphylococcus aureus, an opportunistic pathogen commonly found in the milk of women with acute mastitis and responsible for causing a variety of other infectious diseases, has been proposed as a causative agent of mastitis. However, other than this bacteria being present in the milk of these women, there is little evidence as to how it may cause mastitis. My study aims to investigate the association between S. aureus prevalence in human milk and the mastitis spectrum, whether specific strains or virulence factors are associated with more severe cases, and how the human milk environment and composition of the human milk bacterial community may be support or inhibit the growth of S. aureus. Improving our understanding of the role of S. aureus in mastitis is imperative for improving our ability to treat and prevent mastitis, as well as for developing diagnostic tests and screening procedures in the future.Grace McLachlan, PhD student, UWA 
18th July, 2022Pharmacy Update for Lactation Consultants. Tamara Lebedevs is a senior obstetric pharmacist at KEMH, WA’s sole tertiary women’s hospital. Tamara will provide an update on drugs in lactation, ranging from hormonal contraception to analgesia and anaesthesia, galactagogues and drugs contraindicated in breastfeeding women.Tamara Lebedevs, senior pharmacist, KEMH 
15th Aug, 2022Infant Sleep and Settling in the First Nine Months. With 1 in 4 parents feeling that their infant has a sleep “problem” in the first 12 months of life, it’s clear that the sleep and settling behaviours of infants can cause significant distress in some new parents. I will discuss the recent findings from our longitudinal cohort study looking at the sleep and settling behaviours of infants in the first nine months, and the complex interactions between these behaviours, maternal perceptions and distress, and feeding type.Alice Dix-Mathews, Medical Student, UWA 
19th  September, 2022Physiotherapy management of lactating breast conditions. Learn about the Physiotherapist’s role in the multidisciplinary management of lactating breast conditions. With a focus on the current evidence for the use of therapeutic ultrasound for inflammatory breast conditions and laser therapy for nipple trauma.Chelsie Doncon, women’s health physio, OFW 
17th October, 2022Women’s Experiences of Establishing Breastfeeding After a Caesarean Birth Giving birth by caesarean involves major abdominal surgery that is associated with increased risks of maternal and infant complications when compared to vaginal birth. After a caesarean birth, women typically experience discomfort and reduced mobility in the early postpartum period, making it more difficult for women to respond to their babies’ needs, with delayed initiation of breastfeeding, lower rates of exclusive breastfeeding and shorter breastfeeding duration reported. Despite the likelihood that support needed to establish breastfeeding differs between women that have a caesarean birth, there is limited research in this area. With 38% of births occurring by caesarean section in Western Australia, it is essential that research is conducted to inform the clinical care of women in establishing breastfeeding after a caesarean birth. The aim of this project is to describe women’s experiences of care and support in establishing breastfeeding after a Caesarean birth.  A mixed methods study will be employed to examine aspects of care identified by woman as helpful and unhelpful in their early breastfeeding experience.Sarah Abelha, BSc  via website
21st November, 2022Supporting Breastfeeding Women with Mental Health Challenges Women with mental health challenges may be encouraged by support people and health care providers to stop breastfeeding as a means of reducing their stress. However, when breastfeeding is an important mothering goal of the woman, such advice is not helpful; acting on this well intended advice can result in distress and regret. Julia will describe some mental health challenges that may present or be exacerbated in the postnatal period, and discuss strategies that lactation consultants can use to support breastfeeding women in their breastfeeding journey.Julia D’Orazio BSc, NDC accredited 

AGM 2021


21st February, 2022

Suck Swallow Breathe dynamics in breastfed infants

Exploration of the current evidence relating to infant oral and oropharyngeal anatomy; suck, swallow, breathe patterns and the relationship it has between breastfeeding, comorbidities, environmental factors and therapeutic approaches.

Jodie Peake, Speech Therapist, IBCLC Student

Breastfeeding & Obesity Risks: What Goes wrong When Breastfeeding Stops?

September 20th

Before this question can be addressed an understanding of the mechanism controlling the nutrient intake of exclusively breastfed babies is required. This talk will outline the available literature including gaps in our knowledge.  It will describe approaches at biochemical and cellular levels and this knowledge will set basis for intervention and assist in the prevention of obesity.

Dr Fonteini Hassiotou PhD

Using Circle of Security Concepts to bring an attachment perspective when working with families with infants & young children

October 18th

The Circle of Security offers a readily understood conceptual framework of attachment theory and Ann will provide an outline of the Circle of Security (COS) concepts and describe the ways in which the richness of the COS model supports practitioners in helping parents understand their child’s needs and most importantly the barriers parents may have in understanding and meeting those needs.

Anne Clifford. BN, Paeds Cert, IBCLC, MHN, MIMH

Validation of an Assessment Tool

November 15th                      

Looking at screening tools used in Child Health and why oral motor skills are not included in the standard screening tools. Going through historical data of their development in the 60′ and 70’s and where they can be improved.

Ailsa Rothenbury Master Arts. Grad Dip Health Science, RM, RN, IBCLC

Simultaneous vs Sequential Pumping: Expressing the difference

July 19th

There is conflict in the literature regarding this practice, Jones et al  found difference  in milk yield and Hill  found no difference in milk yield.
By measuring fat content of milk samples we can calculate the percentage of available milk in a breast. With a research tool called the “Showmilk” we can  investigate milk ejections and the physiology of milk removal. 

Cathy Garbin  Midwife, IBCLC     

A Western Australian Survey of Breastfeeding Initiation, Prevalence, and Early Cessation Patterns

August 16th

This presentation discusses Western Australian (WA) initiation and prevalence rates differentiating ‘any’ breastfeeding with ‘exclusive’ breastfeeding whilst exploring patterns and reasons for stopping breastfeeding.

Professor Yvonne Hauck RN, RM, BSc (Nursing), PGDip (Nursing), MSc (Nursing),Phd

The Ebb and Flow of Preterm Milk Composition

June 21st

The aim of this presentation is to examine the complex nature of preterm milk, and compare its composition to that of term milk. Particular attention is paid to the protein content of preterm milk and potential implications for the nutrition of the preterm infant.

Ylenia Casadio PhD    

Breastfeeding Outcomes for Healthy Term and Sick/Preterm Infants: Secrets of Success

April 19th 2010

Sharon has completed a longitudinal study of breastfeeding outcomes for local healthy term and sick/preterm infants, and will share study findings related to influences on breastfeeding duration in these groups. We will look at socio-demographic, biomedical and psychosocial factors, explore differences between the groups and discuss how we can work with these factors to more effectively target breastfeeding support.

Sharon Perrella RN, RM, MSc, IBCLC Phd Student UWA

Psychoactive Drugs and Breastfeeding 

March 15th 2010

The Pharmacy Department at KEMH has a special interest in research into the transfer of medications into breast milk.  With a particular interest in antidepressants & antipsychotics as there has been very little published information about their transfer to breast milk. The lecture will summarize and discuss the results of our studies & other published information, and discuss the choice of drugs to treat psychiatric disorders in breastfeeding mothers. 

Judith Kristensen B Pharmacy